With just days to go before the start of the 2012/13 season, the SA are pleased to report that membership is currently 160 more than this time last year. We are also delighted to welcome 141 new members for this season, and trust that they will benefit from SA membership.
A record 88% of members have provided us with email addresses, which enables us to reduce costs, and communicate more effectively. We shall continue to publish monthly eNewsletters and the next issue, which will be sent to 2012/13 members only, will be emailed later this month.
Suspension of Membership
We would like to remind those of you that haven’t renewed, that in accordance with the decision taken at our AGM, the SA will suspend membership just prior to all cup draws for this season. This is to protect the interests of members when ticket priority applies. The suspension will only be lifted once we’ve had an opportunity to access the impact of the draw with the Club.
Methods of Joining
For those of you who haven’t renewed yet, the easiest and quickest way is via our eShop. So far 53% of our 2012/13 members have used this method.