Welcome to the 4th edition of our 2011/12 eNewsletter. We do hope that you have enjoyed the summer break, and that you are looking forward to life in L1. If you do not wish to receive these newsletters, please let us know. Don’t forget for all the latest SA information visit our web-site. Please note that future issues of this eNewsletter will be restricted to 2011/12 members.
2011/12 Memberships
Membership for next season now stands at 568, which includes over 85 new members. Over 80% of members have provided us with an email address, and around 27% of members have used our electronic membership process to join, via our eShop. There are still over 400 members who haven’t renewed yet, so if you’re planning to renew, why not try out our on-line process today. It’s quick and simple to use with no form filling, and you can pay by Debit or Credit card. Alternatively, you can join in the Club Shop or at the SA Information Point on Saturday.
SA Ticket Draw
The first draw for members to win tickets to Saturday’s opening league fixture, took place at the pre-season friendly against Fulham. The winners were Alex Willsher from Stevenage and Malcolm Creek from Potters Bar. We hope that enjoy their day as our guests. We have an additional pair of tickets for the Hartlepool game, and the draw will take place at half-time on Saturday.
New Pin Badge
A reminder that the new SA pin badges to commemorate our promotion to L1 have now arrived. You can collect your FREE badge on production of your SA membership card, from either the Club Shop or the SA Information Point.
Junior Loyal Supporter Scheme
The highly successful Junior Loyal Supporter Scheme will resume on Saturday. Juniors can record their name on registers located at the SA Points at the north end of the ground. Attendance tables will appear on our web-site, in match day programmes, and in our eNewsletters.
SA Travel
SA Travel details for Aug/Sept have been announced as follows:-
Depart Members
Chesterfield 11.30am £15
Bournemouth 2.30pm £15.
Mk Dons 1pm £12.
Oldham 9am £25.
Carlisle 8am £30.
To book your seat, see John Carroll on match days, or call him after 6pm on 01438 814285
New SA Information Point
The new SA Information Point is nearing completion, and could be operational on Saturday. It will enable us to offer more Club Shop stock, and will provide serving hatches to both the East and North Terraces.
Fans Forum
A reminder that the Club are holding a Fans Forum this Wednesday 3rd August in the Broadhall Suite. The event starts at 7pm and doors open at 6pm.
Next eNewsletter
We will aim to produce our next eNewsletter in early September. We hope that you found this update useful, and we would welcome your feedback.