In light of a successful trial we’re delighted to be able to offer an online option for joining the SA.
Your subscription payment is taken via PayPal, although if you don’t have a PayPal account, they offer a service which enables you to pay with a debit or credit card without signing up to the PayPal service.
In order to join online, please select the appropriate Membership option from the store linked below, and then checkout as you usually would on any other online store.
If you wish to sign up on line, please visit the SFCSA Online Store.
Once your payment is accepted, you will receive an email from Mervyn requesting you email him a small .jpeg photograph of yourself to go on the membership card.
Please note: As agreed by the SA committee on Wednesday night (full minutes on the website) online membership subscriptions carry a 75p administration charge.
Finally, many thanks to Paul Mansel (who became the first ever online SA member) for his help and for being our guinea pig while we tested this option.